Parent Information

Please fill out this section completely.

Program Cost Adjustment Request

Fill out the corresponding sections that best describes your situation.

Other Circumstances (Optional)

In the Space below (or typed on a separate page, or in an email), please describe any other reasons or circumstances (past, present, or future) that you feel increase your qualification and/or need for financial assistance at Level Up Hoopers (e.g., family circumstances, income hardship, conflicting logistics, other restrictions; etc.).

Conditions Upon Acceptance

  • If your application is accepted, understand that the scholarship & financial discount offered to you from Level Up Hoopers is conditional and that to continue receiving the same you (and the awarded player) must:

    a. Maintain credible behavior and conduct in accordance with Level Up Hoopers standards.

    b. Payments must be on time. Any unsuccessful payments or past due accounts must be rectified within one week.

    c. Inform Level Up Hoopers administration when the need for adjustment no longer exist.


Type Full Name

Thank you for your scholarship application!

You will receive a response from our administrative advisors, within 3 business days. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder for emails from us.